January in doTERRA be like … 🥴😖🤪😵
Feb 03, 2021
Ok January ... what in the actual was that!?
Let’s be honest, January in dōTERRA can be a bumpy ride. Customers just spent a lot on BOGOs in November, Holiday Items in December and tend to extend their budget for the holidays in general ...
So when January hits, many of our customers feel a little whiplash from the previous two months ...
And that can show up in your January like ...

Sprinkle in a little pandemic, maybe a dash of job instability, and a pinch of financial stress ... and well, you have a perfect storm for a notoriously harder month in your business.

👉 Why bring this up?
Because building a dōTERRA business is not ALWAYS rainbows and rank advancements ... and that is 100% NORMAL.
🙅♀️ No, you don’t suck at this business.
🙅♀️ No, your team isn’t falling apart.
🙅♀️ No, you shouldn’t throw in the towel.
There are seasons in every single business. Truly. Ask any entrepreneur.
To believe otherwise is naive, BUT this season doesn’t last forever.
SO what now ?
FEB is HERE!!!! ...and with a little help from One Drop, your dōTERRA business will completely BLOW your mind this month!
But HOW you ask?? We are going to focus on what we can control.
1. Ignite momentum by EDUCATING like a freaking boss.
Notice we DIDN'T say to STRESS OUT or SCRAMBLE as part of how you'll educate like a boss. Nope. One Drop has you covered with powerful resources that keep your time YOURS and not tied up creating content or classes:
- Show up for your USER community with the USER Content Calendar (and ooh la la it’s a steamy one this month!)
- Show up for your TEAM with a powerful month of done-for-you content in our BUILDER Content Calendar, and give your leaders incredibly valuable ways to be successful in their business!

2. The February Promos are blowing our mind! 🤯
Hello 200pv promotion PLUS Cash back!!! I mean, if dōTERRA couldn’t spoil your customers any more this month! Grab your promo graphics now and get the word out early. Check out these trending options:

3. Laser your focus on having FUN!
Yep. We give you permission to ditch the stuff that doesn’t light you up! Truly. "Life is meant to be fun." Decide today to inject that mantra into your business and make sure your customers are having fun too. Ideas to consider:
- If you were invited to an online or in person event ... What would actually excite YOU to attend?
- What part of your business do you actually LOVE doing?
- Have fun ONLINE. Do Reels, play on TikTok, go live, create a community vibe, teach classes outside of the norm, get out of your comfort zone and show your fun quirky side! 2021 is your year to play! Fun is contagious!
Need some fun ideas? We have at least 5,420 of them!
There are always a lot of moving pieces and surprises in February so make sure you are SET UP for SUCCESS and look polished without any extra effort on your part!
Our members are OBSESSED with One Drop 😍
Saves me so much time with the prewritten content! Love that I don't have to think about it- just copy and paste and I know it will be compliant. Thank you!
One Drop has radically changed my business. I can’t tell you how many times I get an idea of something to post and I start to brainstorm on how to post about it and what picture to take when I go on One Drop and I put on the search bar what I need and am blown away at the beautiful graphics I can use. Every. Time!!
I pick one. I post it. I’m done and I can move on to more income producing things. Best. Investment. EVER!!

Still not convinced? Check out even more One Drop love: