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Yoga Mat Spray - Fitness Collection

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By : Jan Kohler

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Item Description

See my fitness and recovery collection here.

It is essential to clean your yoga mat after each use. Follow the directions below to create your own cleansing yoga mat spray.


¾ cup distilled water

¼ cup alcohol-free witch hazel or white vinegar

5 drops of Lavender oil

3 drops Melaleuca oil

Glass spray bottle


1. Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle

2. Shake until combined

3. To use, spray on the mat and wipe dry with a towel

Note: Not all yoga mats are treated the same. Spray a test patch on a small part of your mat first to make sure it isn’t adversely affected. 

Fitness and Recovery with Essential Oils

This month, we're diving deep into the world of workouts, infused with the natural magic of essential oils! Get ready for a lineup brimming with pro workout tips, must-try DIY recipes, essential oil deep dives, and everything you need to gear up your body for some serious movement.

This collection specifically highlights:

✔️ DIY Recipes

✔️ Product Highlights to support your fitness journey

✔️ Essential Oils for different sports

✔️ Education on Rest, Hydration, Eating, Sleep

…plus so much more

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Item Description

See my fitness and recovery collection here.

It is essential to clean your yoga mat after each use. Follow the directions below to create your own cleansing yoga mat spray.


¾ cup distilled water

¼ cup alcohol-free witch hazel or white vinegar

5 drops of Lavender oil

3 drops Melaleuca oil

Glass spray bottle


1. Combine all ingredients in a glass spray bottle

2. Shake until combined

3. To use, spray on the mat and wipe dry with a towel

Note: Not all yoga mats are treated the same. Spray a test patch on a small part of your mat first to make sure it isn’t adversely affected. 

Fitness and Recovery with Essential Oils

This month, we're diving deep into the world of workouts, infused with the natural magic of essential oils! Get ready for a lineup brimming with pro workout tips, must-try DIY recipes, essential oil deep dives, and everything you need to gear up your body for some serious movement.

This collection specifically highlights:

✔️ DIY Recipes

✔️ Product Highlights to support your fitness journey

✔️ Essential Oils for different sports

✔️ Education on Rest, Hydration, Eating, Sleep

…plus so much more

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