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Smoothie Bowl - Immune Boosting

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By : Jan Kohler

Item Description

See my collection for Winter Wellness and Holiday Cheer here, including a facebook cover and handout.

Embrace Winter Wellness & Holiday Cheer! 
This collection is packed with daily inspirations to help you stay healthy and joyful throughout the festive season.
Features DIY Recipes that allow you to create soothing winter foot soaks and essential oil-infused gifts to share warmth with loved ones. You'll also find Essential Oil Tips to enhance your holiday snacks with flavorful oils and energize your prep with natural boosts.

In addition, we have Cozy Ambiance Ideas to make your home inviting, using festive decorations and scents that bring the holiday spirit alive. Finally, incorporate Mindful Reflection practices with calming oils to help you ground yourself and reflect on the year as we transition into the new one.

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Social Media Posts

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US, Canada, Europe, AUS/NZ, Other

Item Description

See my collection for Winter Wellness and Holiday Cheer here, including a facebook cover and handout.

Embrace Winter Wellness & Holiday Cheer! 
This collection is packed with daily inspirations to help you stay healthy and joyful throughout the festive season.
Features DIY Recipes that allow you to create soothing winter foot soaks and essential oil-infused gifts to share warmth with loved ones. You'll also find Essential Oil Tips to enhance your holiday snacks with flavorful oils and energize your prep with natural boosts.

In addition, we have Cozy Ambiance Ideas to make your home inviting, using festive decorations and scents that bring the holiday spirit alive. Finally, incorporate Mindful Reflection practices with calming oils to help you ground yourself and reflect on the year as we transition into the new one.

Please watermark all of your onedrop downloads.