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Ocean Breeze - Summer Diffuser Challenge

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By : Bree Wilder

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Item Description

Ocean Breeze diffuser blend

Get ready to transform your home into a tranquil oasis with the captivating scents of summer. Think warm sun kissed skin, sparkling drink in hand, and the cool summer breeze hitting your skin just right as the evening sun is setting…this is what we are bringing indoors through this Diffuser Challenge collection.

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Item Description

Ocean Breeze diffuser blend

Get ready to transform your home into a tranquil oasis with the captivating scents of summer. Think warm sun kissed skin, sparkling drink in hand, and the cool summer breeze hitting your skin just right as the evening sun is setting…this is what we are bringing indoors through this Diffuser Challenge collection.

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Follow my contributor page for more graphics. 

For questions or request a specific graphic please click the "Feedback" button.  Please include your email address if you would like a personal response.