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Copaiba Educational Series. 11 days, 11 ways to use Copaiba.

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By : Kellie Timmins

Item Description

This 11 day educational series is full of simple ways to use Copaiba! I included small tidbits that have been infused into each post daily as well.

You could run this as a series in your team group, in an email campaign, for a lead magnet or even as a challenge on your social media or in a FB group. 

Depending on your own style, I created TWO types of graphics
  • A minimal, boho style square posts for a clean feel
  • Post with images behind the text for more of a natural, cozy feel

What's included in this whole bundle, (your zip file)?

  1. 3 page handout with the days listed, plus fun facts and diffuser blends and a shopping list (.pdf)
  2. The days and shopping list as graphics for additional sharing (.png)
  3. 11 days of minimal design, square graphics (.jpg)
  4. 11 days of cozy design, square graphics (.jpg)

Please don't forget to add your watermark on all the images and on the pdf. ♥

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Item Type


Item Category

Education Series

File Type(s)

.jpg, .png, .pdf


US, Canada

Item Description

This 11 day educational series is full of simple ways to use Copaiba! I included small tidbits that have been infused into each post daily as well.

You could run this as a series in your team group, in an email campaign, for a lead magnet or even as a challenge on your social media or in a FB group. 

Depending on your own style, I created TWO types of graphics
  • A minimal, boho style square posts for a clean feel
  • Post with images behind the text for more of a natural, cozy feel

What's included in this whole bundle, (your zip file)?

  1. 3 page handout with the days listed, plus fun facts and diffuser blends and a shopping list (.pdf)
  2. The days and shopping list as graphics for additional sharing (.png)
  3. 11 days of minimal design, square graphics (.jpg)
  4. 11 days of cozy design, square graphics (.jpg)

Please don't forget to add your watermark on all the images and on the pdf. ♥